Fill up the form below with your queries.Looking For Support
Something Wrong? We are happy to help!
All we ask is that you browse our documentation first before contacting us. We add answers to every question we receive.
Is The issue related to WordPress?
If yes, please contact your hosting provider for help.
Is the issue related to Divi?
If yes, please be sure read the Divi documentation or contact Elegant Themes support.
Is the query or issue related to our product?
If you think the answer is yes, then please fill out the form and we will be happy to help get this resolved!
Contact Us
Check FAQ Before Contacting support
Some Basic Faqs…
Before contacting support
Where do I find my Dowanload file ?
Where Do i find Imports file ?
What to do if there's an update for my child theme?
Where do I find my license key?
Thank you so much for purchasing our product or Contact Us ! We look forward to providing you with a quality customer service, but before that, please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the following terms and conditions, regarding the support we off
- Please be sure that you have read the documentation, which came bundled with your downloaded package. The documentation covers important topics, ranging from the installation of the theme, to its proper usage.
- Because of a large amount of support inquires that we have to deal with on a daily basis, please allow up to 24-48 hours to receive an answer to your email.
- Support deals with installation of the theme, issues that arise from the usage of any features available by default, bug fixes, and small modifications within one or two lines of code. We do not offer support for installation or administration of WordPress itself, nor do we provide support for any third party plugins, or problems associated with using them in a combination with one of our themes.